The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) platform for dynamic monitoring of structures and infrastructures
based on analysis of data acquired by IoT sensors.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) concerns the continuous and long-term analysis of the behavior of the structure and its components, to assess their structural health conditions and any risks associated with the identified level of damage. The possibility of having modern measurement technologies, data transmission and advanced calculation systems is making this methodology fully applicable.

IoT sensors for dynamic identification and structural health monitoring.

IoT platform for centralized management of sensors and data presentation, supervises the SENSE modules and manages the field-to-center communication.

It deals with the processing of the data, its historicization and its processing through the
analysis of modal and structural parameters along with their uncertainties.

Manages the presentation of information, the reporting of events and the production of
reports useful for both operational and strategic decision support using a control dashboard.

Clear and immediate reporting.
Our modules are designed to be integrated with other devices. In addition, we provide a real-time evaluation modal and structural parameters along with the assessment of structural health.