SMAU 2021 Innovation Award together with the Metropolitan City of Bologna

With the SaaS Bridges Guidelines of MIT di Builti, the Metropolitan City of Bologna wins the 2021 award for the co-innovation project useful for planning interventions on their 1,400 bridges and viaducts.
Massimo Biagetti, Metropolitan Territorial Services Area – Metropolitan City of Bologna:
“The management and maintenance of over a thousand infrastructures require systematic monitoring, possible thanks to digital tools and SaaS platforms”

Find out more

From 2 to 4 December we were present at the Websummit.

Forbes describes it as the best technology fair in the world and we presented our services, from seismic vulnerability with RE.SIS.TO. Project, moving from the assessment of infrastructure risk to safety up to IoT monitoring.

Here you can find our company profile, Builti.

The Seal of Excellence: the quality mark of the European Commission


Every year thousands of organizations and individual researchers in Europe invest time and resources to dedicate themselves to preparing a project proposal in response to the Horizon 2020 calls. Based on standard criteria, the evaluation is carried out by international expert evaluators who must judge these proposals.

We presented our F.I.B.A. (Fast Infrastructure and Building Assessment)

F.I.B.A. is a set of all our services for the expeditious assessment and monitoring of buildings and infrastructures with particular regard to safety.

As a final result for our project we have won the Seal of Excellence.

But what does it mean to have received the Seal of Excellence?

The “Seal of Excellence” is a quality mark awarded by the European Commission to excellent Research and Innovation project proposals submitted in response to the Horizon 2020 calls, positively evaluated (score above threshold) in a highly competitive evaluation process.

But what are the opportunities currently available to holders of the certificate of excellence?

At the European level, there are various initiatives of individual financiers, mainly States or individual Regions that use the Structural Funds assigned to them to finance initiatives dedicated to them through calls for proposals.


To guarantee the safety of its extensive building heritage, ENEL Green Power has adopted the RE.SIS.TO.® solution capable of providing rapid and reliable seismic vulnerability analysis.

An innovative platform for the assessment of seismic risk on Enel Green Power plants

Marco Sbardella

Head of HSEQ Hydro Enel Green Power:

“We needed an agile and punctual system that would perform rapid analysis of seismic vulnerability on all our vast building heritage. For us, worker and plant safety is the top priority. We have chosen the RE.SIS.TO.® platform to rapidly provide reliable Vulnerability assessments, which can be dynamically managed on an accessible digital platform, easily accessible thanks to its standard metric. This has allowed us to better identify the priorities of structural and / or management intervention for the different types of buildings ”.


Find out more


SMAU MILANO 22nd – 24th OCTOBER 2019

Smau is the leading business matching platform in Italy in the fields of innovation and digital technologies for businesses and local public administrations..

Those who today participate in Smau are faced with a proposal very distant from the traditional fair model. Smau includes new modalities of encounter between supply and demand of innovation, guided tours, speed pitching proposing an increasingly direct involvement of the visitor who at Smau can learn, be inspired, connect to people and experience true innovation through new experiences.

Our start-upBUILTIwill present F.I.B.A. (Fast Infrastructure & Building Assessment), an ecosystem of services where we can find:

  • RE.SIS.TO. Project: Assessment of the seismic vulnerability of masonry, reinforced concrete and prefabricated buildings
  • Bridgin-IT: Infrastructure risk assessment
  • Certification of the static suitability of buildings

Come and visit us from 22nd to 24th October at FieramilanoCity, Hall 4 – Stand F15.


Click on the banner to download your free ticket, remember to register!


RE.SIS.TO. is an innovative and revolutionary service based on a quick method of structural engineering for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the seismic vulnerability of masonry, reinforced concrete and prefabricated buildings.

RE.SIS.TO. has already been chosen by important authorities and companies as a standard for the comparative evaluation of building heritage throughout the national territory, a method developed by the University of Bologna for Public Administration but soon used on all types of buildings (public and private buildings and productive and strategic buildings).

From today it is available on a fast, economical and easy-to-use IT platform for professionals offering a clear and immediate comparative picture to clients (owners, managers, Real Estate and companies operating in the field of building heritage).

Registration for the training course includes:

  • Training RE.SIS.TO.
  • Information and support material
  • Coffee-break & Light lunch
  • Test
  • Application training RE.SIS.TO.
  • Network registration

Materials and credentials will be provided for the training and for the subsequent and immediate use of the software solution (1 RE.SIS.TO unit and 1 STATICO unit included in the training).

Reserve a place by 11th of October.

Address: Via Castiglione 136, Bologna – Le Serre di Art-ER

For further information:


Remtech Expo is the only permanent international event specialized in remediation, environmental and natural risks, safety, maintenance, redevelopment, regeneration of the territory, climate change and circular chemistry.

At a distance from the umpteenth devastating earthquake that struck Italy, it became necessary to broaden the range of issues dealt with in the context of RemTech Expo by organizing a moment of technical and technological confrontation on the issues of seismic risk, knowledge, planning and mitigation.

BUILTI will present:

  • SIS.TO. Project (multi-platform IT service based on expeditious methodologies for assessing the seismic vulnerability of buildings)
  • STATICO (static suitability certificate)
  • Bridgin-IT (multi-platform IT service based on a quick methodology for risk assessment in bridges)
  • Sensors (monitoring and control activities through sensors) together with our Partner: Boldrin s.r.l.
  • F.I.B.A. (Fast Infrastructure and Building Assessment)


On the 4th and 5th of September FARETE opens its doors to companies, start-up and thousands of people who want to attend the Assembly and the scheduled events. At this eighth event, FARETE aims to promote the companies of our territory by organizing different national and international meetings.

As a start-up, BUILTI presented:

  • SIS.TO. Project (multi-platform IT service based on fast-track methodologies for assessing the seismic vulnerability of buildings)
  • STATICO (certificate of static suitability)
  • Bridgin-IT (multi-platform IT service based on a quick methodology for risk assessment in bridges)
  • Sensors (monitoring and control activities through sensors)
  • I.B.A. (Fast Infrastructure and Building Assessment)

Do you want to know more?



Emilia Romagna in Silicon Valley:

The second edition of the “Business Match for SMEs in Silicon Valley” program is open. This itinerary is dedicated to eight small and medium-sized technological companies of the Emilia-Romagna region with the purpose of facilitating them the possibility to meet potential partners or buyers in Silicon Valley.

BUILTI has been one of the companies chosen. In November we are going to the United States to make ourselves known there too.

Thanks to our partner USMAC and the Emilia Romagna region we will be able to present our project to great investors and possible partners.

Stay tuned!!


On the 10th of July the information event for Seismic Vulnerability and Energy Production will be held together with other important players in the energy sector such as ENI.

The event will take place at the Politecnico di Milano, Piacenza headquarters, together with our partner POGaMESchool.

During the event will be present:

  • Politecnico, Polo Territoriale di Piacenza Confindustria Piacenza
  • Province of Piacenza
  • University of Bologna
  • ENI
  • POGaMESchool