It is a new software module for the automatic and fast completion of the Level I certificate of static suitability (C.I.S.).
This is the static suitability certification in compliance with the Milan building code.
New STATICO software module
The certificate of static suitability of a building is a document, prepared pursuant to decree DD.MM. 15/05/1985 and 20/09/1985 which certifies the safety conditions of the load-bearing structures of a building, according to the standards in force at the time of construction.
STATICO is a software module that refers to the Certification of static suitability, which allows the completion and automatic printing of the CIS certificate for all the buildings that are 50 years old, otherwise the revocation of occupancy is contemplated.
This document is necessary to comply with the safety standards when the static testing certificate is not available Furthermore, it is important to specify that the certificate of static suitability is also necessary when there is the intention to request a building amnesty. Also in this case, the certificate replaces the static testing as long as the building does not exceed 450 m3 or does not date back to a time when the anti-seismic regulations were not in force.
With regard to the certificate of static suitability, it is useful to specify that you have the possibility to request both: the one for the safety standards compliance and the one necessary for the amnesty. The difference consists in the fact that in the second case it is necessary to consult the Civil Engineers.
In both cases, in order to obtain the documents it is absolutely necessary to contact an expert in the field who can be an engineer or an architect, as long as they are regularly registered in the corresponding professional association’s roll. That practitioner will be responsible for preparing the declaration to certify the safety of the building, which is the so-called static suitability certificate.
The types of buildings that will be tested by STATICO include:
- within 5 years: all the buildings that have been completed more than 50 years ago or that reach the 50 years of age in this period, and which do not have a testing certificate.
- within 10 years: all existing buildings with a static testing date older than 50 years or that will reach the 50 years of age in this period.
- all the buildings involved in extraordinary maintenance works, restoration, conservative improvement, and restructuring, and the buildings in which the purpose of use of at at least half of their surface changed, if there are no legal requirements for a new static test.
With STATICO it is easy to take and register all the data necessary for the assessment of static suitability in order to issue its certificate, and final report:
- It highlights the location of the building on Google Maps and it geolocates it in a simple and user-friendly dashboard.
- Fill in the checklists and complete the necessary descriptive fields.
- Attach photos to the descriptions.
- Upload all the project documents to a special repository and keep them online.
- Get an automatic report in the most common formats (PDF, DOC …), it is totally customizable including logos and descriptions.
- you can also print the Certification of Static Suitability (CIS) with the final assessment of the building and the results can be divided in 4 classes.

Download an example report and product certificate with our software STATICO.
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